Hello! My name is Bethany and this is my fiancé, Jack. We have lived together for six years and have been engaged for nearly two years. I was previously a Primary Teacher in Early Years and Jack is an IT Engineer in schools (which is how we met). After a difficult decision to leave teaching after seven years, I have decided to set up my own Childminding business to offer quality childcare and wrap
This is my cat, Luna. She is part of our family and is an indoor cat. She is timid and will often hide from strangers, but is a very curious cat and will warm to children quickly. She is as soft and as loving as they come!
These are the two women in my life who made me who I am today. Both my Mum and my Nan (my mum's mum) are no longer with me, however, my new Childminding business is dedicated to them. They are loved and missed everyday.
Since leaving school, I have always worked with children. I have worked and volunteered in many childcare settings including primary schools, private nurseries, childcare centres, SEND provision/schools and have worked as a Childminder's assistant. I graduated in BA (Hons) Early Years in 2016 and then I graduated in PGCE in Primary Education with QTS in 2017. I loved having the role of a Primary T
However, I have wanted to be a Childminder and have my own little Early Years setting for a long time! I am very passionate about EVERYTHING Early Years, especially aspects of how children learn through play-based approaches and International Early Years curriculum, which I adopt aspects of within my setting and curriculum.
Beth's Baby Bears