SEND is an acronym for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. The SEND Code of Practice (below) is a statutory guidance that organisations must adhere to, to support the needs of Children and Young People with SEND needs. The four main areas of needs that the SEND Code of Practice covers are:
If you have concerns about your child's learning and development, and/or communication and language, and/or physical, and/or sensory needs, you should inform your Childminder about specific things you have noticed. If your childminder has observed these and is concerned, they will communicate with you immediately to ask if these things have been noticed at home. Early identification is crucial if a child is suspected to have SEND needs, to ensure that the child (and their family) are given the very best support and education that can be offered. Your childminder will observe the child over a period of time and make a decision whether intervention for support can be offered to the child and the family. The childminder may also advise the family to make a GP appointment. Childminders and EY practitioners must offer inclusive education that caters to the needs of all children. Therefore, your Childminder may adopt certain practices and learn from CPD to make their curriculum and every day routine more inclusive (e.g., with the use of Makaton).
BMBC have a really useful website (links below) that explain SEND and offer a vast amount of information and support that is available for the child and their family. Examples of other services that support SEND include:
Beth's Baby Bears